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Roles & Permissions

Enhanced with roles and permissions.

Keep your brand consistent and secure by fully controlling classrooms, VOD assets, channels, and more.


Student Video Collaboration

Doing video collaboration together! 

Create captivating cinematic portfolios while enhancing student workflows across each of their video projects

MontageCMS | Empower Collaboration: Safely Share, Archive, and Stream Student Films Anywhere! Asset 4
MontageCMS | Empower Collaboration: Safely Share, Archive, and Stream Student Films Anywhere! Asset 5
MontageCMS | Empower Collaboration: Safely Share, Archive, and Stream Student Films Anywhere! Asset 6
MontageCMS | Empower Collaboration: Safely Share, Archive, and Stream Student Films Anywhere! Asset 13

User Roles

Defined user roles for each individual.

MontageCMS Role Chart

What can each role in MontageCMS do?





Limited Access

Limited Access

Full Access

Full Access

Role Management

Assign Admin, Manager, or student roles.

Overview + Dashboard

Special access to dashboards & analytics

Organization Brand Styleguide

Assign Admin, Manager, or student roles.

Upload Content

Upload content for film assignments and submission

API Integration

Special access to API tokens & documentation.

Channels Management

Create channels within your cinema portfolio add permissions if needed


Understand your role and its ability in detail

Enhancing visibility and performance at every learner's journey. Montage offers solutions for everyone: students, faculty, and staff.

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Total control of your MontageCMS account - all in your hands!


Manage organization's brand, channels and access your usage data.


Manage classrooms, channels and student permissions.


Film students with restricted access to channel usage and settings.

Efficiently allocate user roles and more.

Welcome new team members, students, faculty, and staff, manage current members, and effectively assign user roles. You can also choose to assign who has a higher-level of permissions.


Cutting-edge Streaming Growth Platform.

Elevate your students' projects with a cinematic portfolio highlighting their creativity and dedication. Cultivate a sense of community, provide constructive feedback, and establish personalized channels and user profiles for individual student access, and faculty.

Encourage collaboration and support

Enhance cinematic portfolios for students

Create personalized channels and profiles

Personalize your experience with branding

With our easy-to-use customization tools, you can add logos, colors, personalized URLs, channels, and more to your website.


Cutting-edge Streaming Growth Platform.

Elevate your students' projects with a cinematic portfolio highlighting their creativity and dedication. Cultivate a sense of community, provide constructive feedback, and establish personalized channels and user profiles for individual student access, and faculty.

Encourage collaboration and support

Enhance cinematic portfolios for students

Create personalized channels and profiles

Privacy settings in a classroom is all that matters

Let's nail down who can upload content to your classes and join in on peer reviews. If you're teaming up with other instructors or educators, consider giving them access to chip in as well.


Cutting-edge Streaming Growth Platform.

Elevate your students' projects with a cinematic portfolio highlighting their creativity and dedication. Cultivate a sense of community, provide constructive feedback, and establish personalized channels and user profiles for individual student access, and faculty.

Encourage collaboration and support

Enhance cinematic portfolios for students

Create personalized channels and profiles

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